defines a person's life?
Family? Religion? Career? Economic status?
All of the abovebut something else
as well.
A person's dreams! |
had dreams. One especially, that persisted all her life. To be an entertainer.
To be on stage, drawing all eyes to her. Making people smile. Being recognized
for it.
She loved music and dancing and acting. |
hid it well during her younger years, learning to play piano and then anxiously
playing on stage as an extra at the Bushnell Theater. Her every performance
was a thrill, and added to the dream.
Entertaining, more than anything else, defined
her inner core. |
married Joseph, and settled down to the domestic life expected of young
women of that time. Three children. Factory work. And finally a receptionist
job for the State Labor Department, which evolved to that of French Interpretor.
Throughout all this time, just beneath the
surface, her dream never died. |
her daughters, she lived her dreams vicariously. |
now she's gone... but not forgotten. |